
Friday 28 February 2014

PDP Sweeps Plateau LG Polls

Results for the Plateau State Local government elections have been released.According to the results released by the Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission,the PDP won 14 Chairmanship positions out of the 15 local governments that took part in the elections.Jos North and Wase Local Governments were excluded due to security reasons.
However,there will be a re-run in Langtang North on March 3rd 2014 to determine the winner of the Chairmanship seat.
Congrats to PDP.

President Jonathan Visits Kwara on March 3rd

According to reports by Daily Independent,President Jonathan will visit Kwara State on March 3rd.The Chairman of the Interim Committee of the PDP in Kwara State made this known at a press conference in Illorin on Friday.He also said the party had constituted a 140 member committee to ensure the successful hosting of Mr.President.

Goodluck Jonathan:Changing The Old Order

"Whenever culture has gone through a radical change, as ours has-from industrial age to information age-they are people who will deny that things have changed; they resist it and refuse to change"-DANIEEL GREENBERG.

Have you ever wondered why some Nigerians led by a few elites never get satisfied in spite of the efforts put in by this government? Have you asked yourself why President Jonathan is being tongue-lashed on a daily basis when his developmental strides are visible even to the blind? The reasons are simple; change from the old order has come to stay and the disciples of that order are finding it so hard to live with this reality. But truth is that this change has come to stay and those who benefited and enjoyed that order had better  swim with the tide of change or be perpetually consumed by its wave.
Ever since the Jonathan Presidency, I have told every one who cared to listen that what Nigeria is experiencing under this administration is a battle between the forces of good and evil. The President being the arrow-head of the  good forces against the force of evil that has held the nation captive for many years.
During the old order, many highly placed politicians remained untouchable, they allocated  funds from government coffers to themselves and their cronies; awarding contracts that were paid for but never executed. They ensured that the various sectors of the economy were paralyzed as long as their accounts remained fat.

During the old order, the Agricultural Sector was in a mess. Fertilizers, seeds and other agro-allied products which were meant to be distributed to farmers across the country together with billions of naira meant for the Sector were all diverted by "political farmers".But upon assumption of office by President Jonathan, he changed the old order.He tackled corruption in the sector, putting a system in place which enables farmers get their fertilizers and seeds directly. This system ensured that in 2013,4.2 million farmers received subsidized inputs.His administration went ahead to build numerous rice mills and has successfully increased our food production. More dams have also been built which has increased our water level. As a matter of fact, the giant strides and high level of achievement in the Agricultural sector is the reason for the numerous awards being given to the Minister for Agriculture Mr Akinwumi Adesina,chief among which is the Forbes African Man of the Year Award 2013.And you think the grand patrons of the old order are happy with these?
Under the old order, we had a poor Aviation Sector. Jonathan came in and reversed the status quo. Has any one seen the new looks our airports now carry? Almost all the airports in Nigeria have been remodeled, reconstructed and upgraded with high level equipments in conformity with international best practices in Aviation. No one gave the South Eastern part of Nigeria an International Airport but President Jonathan did it.For the first time in Nigeria’s history the South East now has an International Airport located in Enugu. This achievements not withstanding,some Nigerians whose eyes and sense' of reason have been blinded by ethnic and political sentiments are yet to see what Jonathan has done, really?

The Fuel Subsidy Regime was characterized by a period of high underhand practices by a few greedy elites who fed fat on the country’s petroleum resources. It was a tale of metastasized corruption sustained by a weak ruling class and perpetrated by an unholy alliance between the private and public sector. According to a parliamentary report, the fuel subsidy scheme drained 6.8 billion dollars from the country’s coffers between 2009 and 2011 alone. Can you then imagine what the country lost to the masters of the old order from independence till 2008?This had been the practice for years until Goodluck Jonathan mounted the saddle. He immediately abolished fuel subsidy, recognizing the fact that fuel subsidy hindered other developmental spending. Marketers found guilty of corrupt practices while the subsidy regime lasted were made to refund the monies while others are facing prosecution by the anti graft agencies. Angered by this bold and economically beneficial step taken by the President, the crusaders of the old order resorted to campaigns of calumny, sabotage and blackmail against the federal government ,calling it all sort of names all geared at presenting the President as a man without ideas. But if the truth should be told, it is a notorious fact that the removal of fuel subsidy shattered the source of economic empowerment of these greedy politicians, and since this is the case, we do understand their anger towards Jonathan's government.
We all remember vividly how former president Olusegun Obasanjo acted  as his own petroleum minister as a democratic president. It therefore makes much sense to say that most of the graft uncovered recently by President Jonathan’s government were perpetrated during the latter’s reign in office.President Jonathan needs our support and prayers in order to build the Nigeria of our dreams,let us stand by him.



Jonathan Re-appoints NITT DG

President Goodluck Jonathan has re-appointed Dr Aminu Yusuf as the substantive Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria, Kaduna State, for a second term of four years.

A statement by Mr Paul Mshelizah, the Chief Public Relations Officer of the institute, said that the reappointment would take effect from March 19, when the first term would expire.

The statement said the renewal of the tenure was contained in a letter by the Minister of Transport,  Sen. Idris Umar, and signed by the Permanent Secretary, Mr Nebolisa Emodi.

Aminu was first appointed as the Director-General and Chief Executive of  NITT on March 19, 2010.

He had within the first tenure contributed to the development of not only the institute but the transport industry in general, the statement said.

Some of his achievements included stabilisation of NITT long term programmes by affiliating the Post Graduate Programmes of the institute to Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria.

The statement added that the appointee had expanded activities and programmes of the institute to enable it to achieve its full mandate.

Aminu had also created additional departments and increased the institute’s partnership and collaboration with local and international organisations

Source:Daily Independent

Chimaroke Nnamani joins PDP

More Nigerians seem to have recognised the fact that the PDP remains the party to beat considering the number of defections to its fold.The latest being a former governor of Enugu State,Senator Chimaroke Nnamani.Nnamani was a PDP governor between 1999 to 2007 before he left to float his own political party.

This is what he had to say on his return to PDP“As I answered the clarion call in 1996/99, I thank God that a day like this has come again and you can count on me. You can stand and count me as an Nkanu man; proud and tall, unconquered, undefeated and unintimidated,”
kudos to PDP.

Thursday 27 February 2014

APC:Opressors or Progressives?

Opposition political parties world over always have this holier than thou posture. They claim to have the magic wand that could suddenly turn around their economies for good; they pose as if the ruling party has a habit of putting square pegs in round holes, making themselves look like the masters of the art of governance. They portray the party in power as one without focus, lacking in direction and insensitive to the plight of the masses .More often than not, they constantly engage in destructive criticisms against the government of the day.

In Nigeria, the APC is an example of the above. They claim to be out to rescue the nation yet their body language has shown that they are desperate to capture power by every possible means no matter the cost and in order to achieve this, they have resorted to abusing and castigating the PDP, the federal government and Mr. President. To them, the PDP does not only lack internal democracy but is also responsible for the hardship suffered by Nigerians.
One will expect that the party practices all it preaches, by being the benchmark of democratic norms. Instead, ahead of the forthcoming elections, the APC has continued to practice, glorify, and exhibit undemocratic tendencies even in handling internal party issues to the surprise of many, including its members; meting out several acts of injustice. Should this type of party be voted into power? My answer is in the negative.
Not long ago, 5 PDP governors defected to the APC. This was after the ACN, CPC and ANPP had merged as APC. Upon the defection of this governors, the APC hurriedly made them leaders in their respective states thereby pushing aside the authentic leaders of the party .One would have expected a truly democratic party to explore ways of harmonizing the position of the original leaders of the party and the defected governors in order to have a no victor no vanquish scenario, but that was not the case.
Former governor Ibrahim Shekarau of Kano state, his Sokoto State counterpart Attahiru Bafarawa and Dele Belgore (SAN) to mention a few had spent their time and resources  forming and building the APC only to be back stabbed by their party as a result of personal interest, greed and wickedness. Should a man be forced to vacate his house for a stranger? If the answer is in the negative, then it goes to show the kind of leadership the APC intends to offer Nigerians if elected to power and Nigerians must reject them now.
As a result of the injustice, these individuals defected to the PDP recognizing it as the only true Nigerian political party with no ethnic or religious coloration; ever ready to accommodate the oppressed .Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau in defecting to the PDP gave his reason as the injustice he suffered in the hands of the APC. He said ’’the injustice shown to me and my supporters coupled with the neglect by APC at the national level are some of the reasons we had to defect to the PDP. Former governor of Sokoto State Bafarawa also joined the PDP. He was formally welcomed into the party at an occasion in Sokoto attended by President Jonathan. On his defection, Bafarawa said ’’when my people saw that there is injustice in the APC, they made up their mind that we should leave and join the PDP’’. Dele Belgore, ACN’s governorship candidate in 2011 who recently defected to the PDP also had this to say, ’the owner of a home should not be displaced to give a stranger a sense of friendship, and to many, the soul of the party. Our people do not believe that people are made for a platform; rather they believe that platforms are made for people. No positive change is possible where we are to co-exist with the same elements that the people of Kwara want to dislodge. ’Speaking further he said’ ’to our supporters and political independent, APC has let us down. We have therefore decided not to be part of an arrangement that put us in the same ship driven by oppressors.’’
The point I have been driving at is this; a party that cannot get the trust and confidence of its members should definitely not be entrusted with power. The reason is not far fetched, the same way it abandoned its members, is same way the masses will be dumped. This goes to confirm the generally accepted view that the APC is ideologically bankrupt therefore cannot be trusted. Nigerians know more than joining a ship that is bound to sail to the middle of the ocean and dump them there in the mist of the storm. The APC has time and time again displayed to the public that all it wants is to get power at all cost. A party that willfully deserts its members should not be given the destiny of millions of Nigerians to keep. Assuming you happen to be the victim of such callous treatment how will you feel or react? Will you smile and happily embrace such a gang of desperate opportunist or do what every reasonable electorate would; which is to reject this group. The APC is simply a den of oppressors masquerading as progressives and as such, it will never be a reliable alternative to the PDP considering its actions and body language. PDP remains the answer. Nigerians please be wise.

Jonathan Calls For Cooporation Among African Leaders to Combat Terrorism


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President Goodluck Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan Thursday called for closer ties among African leaders, with a view to confronting and defeating terrorists and purveyors of hate.

The president spoke in a keynote address on the occasion of the Centenary Conference on the Theme: “Human Security, Peace and Development: Agenda for the 21st Century.”

Jonatha said "while we respect our national boundaries, terrorists move in and out of our borders. It is now time that we agreed as African leaders that acts of terror against one nation is an act of terror against all.

"  We must not allow our countries to become safe havens for terrorists. We must cooperate maximally in better managing our political boundaries. We should adopt protocols that allow countries to pursue terrorists well into their safe havens in other nations. While we cannot redefine our borders, we must re-define our collective approach to ending trans-boundary terrorism and insurgencies”, he said

President Jonathan's Centenary Celeberation Address.

Dear Compatriots,
1. I extend warm greetings and felicitations to all Nigerians as we celebrate our nation’s centenary; a significant milestone in our journey to Nationhood.
2. One hundred years ago, on the 1st of January 1914, the British Colonial authorities amalgamated the Southern and Northern Protectorates, giving birth to the single geo-political entity called Nigeria which has become our home, our hope, and our heritage.
3. I have often expressed the conviction that our amalgamation was not a mistake. While our union may have been inspired by considerations external to our people; I have no doubt that we are destined by God Almighty to live together as one big nation, united in diversity.


4. I consider myself specially privileged to lead our country into its second century of existence. And as I speak with you today, I feel the full weight of our hundred-year history. But what I feel most is not frustration, it is not disillusionment. What I feel is great pride and great hope for a country that is bound to overcome the transient pains of the moment and eventually take its rightful place among the greatest nations on earth.
5. Like every country of the world, we have had our troubles. And we still do. We have fought a civil war. We have seen civil authorities overthrown by the military. We have suffered sectarian violence. And as I speak, a part of our country is still suffering from the brutal assault of terrorists and insurgents.
6. While the occasion of our centenary undoubtedly calls for celebration, it is also a moment to pause and reflect on our journey of the past one hundred years, to take stock of our past and consider the best way forward for our nation.

7. Even as we celebrate our centenary, we must realise that in the context of history, our nation is still in its infancy.
8. We are a nation of the future, not of the past and while we may have travelled for a century, we are not yet at our destination of greatness.
9. The amalgamation of 1914 was only the first step in our national journey. Unification was followed by independence and democracy which have unleashed the enormous potentials of our people and laid the foundation for our nation’s greatness.
10. In challenging times, it is easy to become pessimistic and cynical. But hope, when grounded in realism, enables and inspires progress. Therefore, as we celebrate our first century of nationhood and enter a second, we must not lose sight of all that we have achieved since 1914 in terms of nation-building, development and progress.
11. Today, we salute once again the great heroes of our nation – Herbert Macaulay, Ernest Ikoli, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Alvan Ikoku, Chief Harold Dappa-Biriye, Dr. Michael Okpara, Chief Anthony Enahoro, Mallam Aminu Kano, Mokwugo Okoye and Chief Michael Imoudu among others.
12. We must be inspired by our past to overcome the obstacles we face in the present and honour our forebears by realising the promise of a Nigeria that is not only independent but also truly unified, prosperous and admired the world over.
13. The history of Nigeria since independence is the story of a struggle to fulfill our great promise. The discovery of oil in our country in the late 1950s offered new hope of prosperity but we have not always been able to reap the benefits in a fair and equitable way.
14. The situation was not helped by political instability and the frequent suspension of democracy by military coups. During the civil war, the very existence of our country was cast into doubt but through it all, the promise of a Nigeria that is united, free and strong remained in our people’s hearts.
15. Thanks to the efforts of our statesmen and women, and millions of ordinary Nigerians, the union endured and flourished. I would like to specifically commend members of the Armed Forces for their contributions and sacrifices to keep Nigeria one.
16. General Yakubu Gowon had the wisdom and grace to declare that the civil war had seen “no victor, no vanquished” and welcomed, “the dawn of national reconciliation”.
17. It was in this spirit that General Olusegun Obasanjo collected the instruments of surrender at the end of the war and later became the first military ruler in our country to hand over power voluntarily to a democratic government.
18. While the Second Republic did not last, his fine example was later followed by General Abdulsalam Abubakar who paved the way for our current democratic dispensation which has lasted longer than the previous three put together.
19. As we celebrate our centenary, I believe that it is vital that we focus our thoughts on the vast potentials of a unified and progressive Nigeria; and build on the relative stability of the Fourth Republic to achieve accelerated national socio-economic development.
20. I also believe that the future greatness of our country is assured by the favourable tail winds of a resilient population, ecological diversity, rich natural resources and a national consciousness that rises above our differences.
21. We are a unique country. We have been brought together in a union like no other by providence. Our nation has evolved from three regions to thirty six states and a Federal Capital Territory.
22. We have transited from the Parliamentary to a Presidential system of government. We have moved our capital from the coastal city of Lagos to Abuja, at the centre of our country.
23. Today Abuja stands as a monument to our national aspiration for greater unity; it symbolises our dream of a modern nation unhinged from primordial cleavages and designed as a melting pot of our diversity.
24. If, in our first century, we could build a new capital city, we can surely build a newer, stronger, more united and prosperous Nigeria in the next century that will be an authentic African success story.
25. The whole world awaits this African success story. With our sheer size, population, history, resilience, human and natural resources and economic potentials, Nigeria is divinely ordained to lead the African Renaissance.
26. That is why I am confident that in the next 100 years, those who will celebrate Nigeria’s second centenary, will do so as a united, prosperous and politically stable nation which is truly the pride and glory of Africa and the entire black race.
27. The key to the fulfilment of that vision is our continued unity as a nation. Perhaps one of the most amazing stories of our political evolution in the last hundred years is that an ordinary child of ordinary parentage from a minority group has risen to occupy the highest office in our country.
28. As we march into the next hundred years, it is my hope that mine will no longer be an extra-ordinary story but an accepted reality of our democracy that every Nigerian child can pursue his or her dreams no matter how tall; that every Nigerian child can aspire to any position in our country, and will not be judged by the language that he speaks or by how he worships God; not by gender nor by class; but by his abilities and the power of his dreams.
29. I am proud and privileged to have been elected leader of Nigeria and I consider it my solemn responsibility to act in the best interest of the nation at all times.
30. Dear compatriots, in line with the thoughts of that great son of our continent, Nelson Mandela, let us not judge ourselves, and let not the world judge us by how many times we have stumbled, but by how strongly we have risen, every single time that we have faltered.
31. Even as we remain resolute in our conviction that our union is non-negotiable, we must never be afraid to embrace dialogue and strengthen the basis of this most cherished union. A strong nation is not that which shies away from those difficult questions of its existence, but that which confronts such questions, and together provides answers to them in a way that guarantees fairness, justice and equity for all stakeholders.
32. My call for the National Conference in this first year of our second century is to provide the platform to confront our challenges. I am confident that we shall rise from this conference with renewed courage and confidence to march through the next century and beyond, to overcome all obstacles on the path to the fulfillment of our globally acknowledged potential for greatness.
33. I have referred to national leaders who did so much to build our nation in the past hundred years but nation-building is not just a matter for great leaders and elites alone.
34. All Nigerians must be involved in this national endeavour. From the threads of our regional, ethnic and religious diversities we must continuously weave a vibrant collage of values that strengthen the Nigerian spirit.
35. The coming National Conference should not be about a few, privileged persons dictating the terms of debate but an opportunity for all Nigerians to take part in a comprehensive dialogue to further strengthen our union.
36. I am hopeful that the conference will not result in parochial bargaining between competing regions, ethnic, religious and other interest groups but in an objective dialogue about the way forward for our nation and how to ensure a more harmonious balance among our three tiers of government.
37. My dear compatriots, as we celebrate our centenary, the security situation in some of our North-Eastern States, sadly remains a major concern for us. Just yesterday, young students, full of hopes and dreams for a great future, were callously murdered as they slept in their college dormitories in Yobe State. I am deeply saddened by their deaths and that of other Nigerians at the hands of terrorists. Our hearts go out to their parents and relatives, colleagues and school authorities.
38. We will continue to do everything possible to permanently eradicate the scourge of terrorism and insurgency from our country. We recognise that the root cause of militancy, terrorism and insurgency is not the strength of extremist ideas but corrupted values and ignorance.
39. That is why our counter-terrorism strategy is not just about enforcing law and order as we have equipped our security forces to do. It also involves expanding economic opportunities, social inclusion, education and other measures that will help restore normalcy not just in the short term, but permanently.
40. I want to reassure Nigerians that terrorism, strife and insecurity in any part of Nigeria are abhorrent and unacceptable to us. I urge leaders throughout Nigeria to ensure that ethnicity and religion are not allowed to become political issues.
41. I hope and pray that one hundred years from now, Nigerians will look back on another century of achievements during which our union was strengthened, our independence was enhanced, our democracy was entrenched and our example was followed by leaders of other nations whose ambition is to emulate the success of Nigeria; a country that met its difficulties head-on and fulfilled its promise.
42. Finally, Dear Compatriots, as we enter a second century in the life of our nation, let us rededicate ourselves to doing more to empower the youth of our country. Our common heritage and future prosperity are best protected and guaranteed by them. We must commit our full energies and resources to empowering them to achieve our collective vision of greatness in this second century of our nationhood.
43. That is the task before our country; that is the cause I have chosen to champion and I believe we will triumph.
44. I wish all Nigerians happy Centenary celebrations.
45. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
46. I thank you

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Ameachi deliberately stays away from Southern Forum on National Conference

During a period when members of the various ethnic groups and other civil society groups have been meeting to fine-tune their position ahead of the National Conference,governor Ameachi decided to avoid the Southern Forum held in Calabar instead prefering to attend a gathering organised by the APC on that faithfull day.Nigerians and indeed the South should know who their true enemies are.
The PDP views this act as a sign of rejection and abandonment of the people.


The NGF under Ameachi is an extension of APC says gov Jang

The question i have always asked is;Is governor Rotimi Ameachi obssessed with President Goodluck Jonathan?
The Factional Chairman of the Nigerian Governors Forum,Jonah Jang must have been asking the same question too when he described Rotimi Ameachi's NGF as an extension of the APC following declarations made by the group on the suspension of Sanusi Lamido as CBN governor.
 Jang in a statement by the Media Office of his faction, on Wednesday, berated the NGF under the leadership of Amaechi..

The governor said “Nigerians have grown weary of Governor Amaechi turning every issue even beyond his purview into a political opportunity.”

He said that Amaechi was not speaking on behalf of the governors in the country,since majority of the governors were uncomfortable with Ameachi's anti-federal government stands.

He added, “Nigerians want governors to perform their primary functions of running their states and not this obsession with President Jonathan by governor Amaechi and his cohorts.My advice to them is that Nigerians and history will decide if President Jonathan has performed as President.This lowly behaviour will not win them any elections''.

APC must stop the deceit

Last week President Jonathan at a rally in Owerri called on former members of the PDP to come back to the party and enjoy the same rights as other members as any delay will mean them joining the queue in their respective wards if they were to come back in future.He said the PDP stood for justice.
The APC in their usual manner decided to make a mountain out of the President's humble invitation.Hear what the party said,
“If we may ask, what seniority is President Jonathan talking about after having ensured that Atiku, a former vice-president, was never invited to any BoT and NEC meeting of PDP?  Which seniority is he to lose having since been denied all his rights as enshrined in the constitution of PDP? What type of seniority would Amaechi, Kwankwaso, Nyako, Wamakko and others be seeking in a political party that did everything humanly possible to humiliate them, even taking the state PDP structures from them?”  
 “Having left PDP for good, Atiku, Amaechi and others are on a rescue mission to salvage our nation from the sorrowful state to which it has been subjected by the administration of President Jonathan. They should be allowed to concentrate on this divine mission and not be disturbed with calls that do not make any meaning.”The party also said they only cared about service to the nation.
I beg to disagree.All these are lies,cheap lies and deceit.Assuming but not conceeding that the President meant seniority in this way,how come this same governors left the PDP to the APC and undemocratically bulldozed their way and became party leaders(Seniors) in their states?How come they never cared about the plight of  the authentic leaders of the party who had to move to the PDP as a result of this injustice?How come Atiku Abubakar has been jumping from one party to the other like a political prostitute if he was not after seniority?APC is a party of shameless liars and oppurtunists.They can only fool some,not all.Nigerians beware.

Sanusi is a voodoo statistician-Labaran Maku

The Minister for Information and National Orientation Mr.Labaran Maku has described the suspended CBN governor Sanusi Lamido as a voodoo statistician.He made this comments as a result of Sanusi's habit of giving conflicting figures as the alleged unremitted oil fund by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

He also said that the suspended CBN governor was not a whistle blower as was being painted by members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and other sympathisers to Sanusi across the country.
He also said Sanusi was not a whistle-blower as widely believed by some people, “Sanusi is not a whistle blower, but governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. That perception is fed by negative reports from the media”.

Maku blamed Sanusi for opening his mouth wide to make some damaging statements that could scare investors from coming to invest in the country, or make those who had invested to consider withdrawing their investments.

He said: “But the reality of what has happened is that there are issues with the account of CBN of 2012 as the president explained.

“The financial reporting council has said that there are issues that should be addressed. So, the president returned it back to the council and the council again returned it with some of the items with questions.

“CBN is he nerve centre of the nation’s financial system. If there are problems with it, it means that it can generate a lot of problems in the banking system and the economy and so the president has been trying to sort this out and between him and the CBN governor there have been communications since April 2013.

“So, it has nothing to do with what my brother Sanusi has said relating to the NNPC. This has been ongoing conversation between them.

“Unfortunately, the CBN governor is also the chairman of the board and he cannot sit in a matter he is being investigated for.

“So, what the president has done, as the appointing officer of the CBN, was to ask the governor to step aside pending the outcome of the investigating.

“He has not been removed. Are we saying that the queries that were raised relating to the CBN account were false? In the end if he is fund not guilty, he still has his tenure to run.

“As for the NNPC, don’t forget that a forensic audit of the NNPC has been ordered. Remember, Sanusi said $49.8 billion was missing. How much do we earn?

“That means there was a free fall. But, the story changed to $20 billion, $10.8 billion so nobody knows….

“It is a voodoo statistics that are coming from the CBN governor, because if you want to say something relating to the economy as CBN governor, his opinions are seen to be sacrosanct in any country.

“You don’t say something without verifying it. No CBN governor makes statement on his nation’s economy without verifying.

“Things were done and the president didn’t worry about it and his removal had nothing to do with that. These days we see a lot of outlandish allegations.

“People just make allegations and turn the country into one huge investigation panel. Everyday, the National Assembly, is investigating allegations.

“The role of the CBN governor is that of a quiet role, you don’t even hear him talk, and if he makes any statement, it affects the capital market and the entire economy”.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

President Jonathan condemn's Yobe college attack.

President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned the killing of students by members of the boko haram sect at a college in Yobe State.
This was contained in a statement by the President's Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati.
The statement read, “The President wholly condemns the heinous, brutal and mindless killing of the guiltless students by deranged terrorists and fanatics who have clearly lost all human morality and descended to bestiality.
“He assures the nation that his administration will not relent in its ongoing efforts to end the scourge of terrorism in parts of the country which has sadly claimed more innocent lives today.
“The Armed Forces of Nigeria and other security agencies will continue to prosecute the war against terror with full vigour, diligence and determination until the dark cloud of mass murder and destruction of lives and property is permanently removed from our horizon.”
*May the souls of those innocent pupils rest in peace*

What Does the APC Want?

I just read a National Daily where the APC condemed President Goodluck Jonathan's comment against governor Kashim Shettima of Bornu State.I could not help but laugh at the level of ignorance this party keeps displaying time and time again.
Few weeks ago,Shettima made a comment after an attack launched by  Boko Haram.The governor said''Honestly,Boko Haram are better armed and better motivated than our own troops.And believe me,i am an eternal optimist,as i have always said but i am also a realist.Given the present state of affairs,it is absolutely impossible for us to defeat Boko Haram''.Before i proceed,let me also register my disappointment in this statement credited to a Chief Security Officer whose State has been at the recieving end of numerous attacks from insurgents.
President Jonathan during a Media Chat yesterday expressed his disappointment in Shettima's comment when he said''The statement is a little bit unfortunate because you don't expect a governor to make that kind of statement and if the governor of Bornu State feels that the Nigerian Armed Forces are not useful,he should tell Nigerians.I will pull them out for one month;whether he will stay in that his government house;just one month,but i will fly back to take over the state''.
I am yet to understand how this comments made by Mr. President translate to a threat.Shettima's statement definitely meant all or one of the following:
  • That the Nigerian Armed Forces were not useful
  • That Bornu State could do without the presence of the Armed Forces
  • That the insurgents were winning the battle and
  • That the Nigerian Armed Forces could not successfully defeat an enemy if we were engage in a war.
Therfore,the comments made by the President were no threats,instead,he was stating the obvious in saying he was going to remove the Armed Forces from Bornu State only if Shettima would confirm to Nigerians that they were not needed.If the President is deploying troops,providing them with logistics and having sleepless nights while the governor of an affected state goes about making such utterances,then there is no better definition of sabotage.That being so,it is the APC who owe Nigerians an apology not Mr.President.
The APC ought to know that the battle against terrorist is not only physical but also psychological.Shettima's utterances are a psychological boast to the insurgents.
How come each time the government records a victory against the insurgents,APC does not release a press statement commending the government's effort?The opposition have to change from being an empty and desperate group of talkatives,to being useful tools for national development.
Honestly,our attitude needs to change.Nigerians should speak about the terrorist from the point of view of arousing national consciousness to confront them instead of presenting them as some role models or great fighters that should be feared.

A Party Without a Manifesto?

The All Progressive Congress is yet to have an articulated Manifesto months after its formation and about 11 months to the general elections.Does this say anything about the attitude of the party and what they stand for?
Well,i did not say the party has no manifesto,a chieftain of the APC,Senator Danjuma Goje said so.Hear  him''since i am not going to be a governor,we have not yet articulated in detail,the manifesto of our candidate;even the manifesto of APC has not been properly articulated and circulated.I do not want to pre-empt the party.At the right time,i will give you the details'',he said.
But come to think of it,who says the APC does not have a manifesto?Must it be written for it to be accepted as existing?My answer is in the negative.Every right thinking Nigerian knows the manifesto of the APC.The APC is the only one-human or corporate-that did not commend the recently signed Anti-gay Law.We know their manifesto on that.The APC will repeatedly attack a woman who spent 255 million naira without appropriation while celebrating,protecting and shielding a man who spent 163 billion naira without approval.Their manifesto on Anti-corruption is very clear too.The APC prefers to play politics with our National Budget and confirmation of both Service Chiefs and Ministers.On this too,we know their manifesto on Security and Welfare.The APC must take power at all cost and also refuse to participate in the National Conference.Here too we know their manifesto on the Unity of Nigeria.
Hence,since the APC lacks a clear-cut manifesto,these questions beg for answers;What is the working plan of the party?How do they intend to lead 170 million people if given power?Should this type of party be trusted with power in 2015?Instead of spending time in producing a manifesto for the party to give it a direction,the APC led by its National Publicity Secretary prefer to cluelessly tongue-lash the President,his party and the federal government with every given oppurtunity.May God save Nigerians from this gang of desperados.

Monday 24 February 2014

Jonathan defends suspension of Sanusi

Following the reactions of some Nigeria on the decision to suspend Sanusi, President Goodluck Jonathan said on Monday his decision to suspend the central bank governor had nothing to do with the governor's exposing corruption in the oil sector.

"The suspension of Sanusi has nothing to do with whistleblowing," Jonathan said during a Media     Chat.
"The government normally places you on suspension pending investigation, and when they conclude the investigation, you may go back if there's no case against you."

He said an audit had been done of 2012 and 2013 central bank accounts that has shown several irregularities - the 2013 audit had just come in, which was enough to convince him there was a case against Sanusi, he said..

The president has absolute powers to suspend the central bank governor," Jonathan said. "The president has oversight function over the central bank."

Jonathan denied that $20 billion could have gone missing from state oil revenues, saying he would not even "accept that one dollar should disappear"

The President informed journalist that the military had achieved some level of success against the insurgents.He also said Nigeria is working with cameroun to avaoid a situation were the neighbouring country becomes a save place and hideout for the insurgents.

"The communities naturally will feel government is not giving them protection," he said. "But I promise that we will continue to improve."

Shagari turns 89,President Jonathan congratulates him

Alhaji Shehu Shagari,Nigeria's first democratically elected President turns 89 today and President Goodluck Jonathan has personaly sent him a congratulatory message.According to a statement signed by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity,Dr Reuben Abat,the letter reads''On behalf of the government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and on my own behalf,I write to felicitate with you as you celebrate your 89th birthday anniversary.
''May Almighty Allah ceaselessly prosper you and bless you with robust health as you continue to give of yourself in the service of our dear nation''.

Happy birthday sir.

Exposed:Read How Sanusi Lamido Maneuvered His Way to Cover up Multi Billion Fraud

When the Financial Reporting Council Report was sent to Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi on June 25th 2013,he was fully aware that the game is over.
He allegedly brewed up his NNPC allegations to divert Nigerians attention from him by writing the President on September 27th,2013.
He succeeded in deceiving some ,but his FRAUDS can NEVER be covered.
Here are few of his fraudulent activities exposed by FRC audit.

1] He donated N1b to BUK, Kano and wrote that he donated N4 million.
2] He wrote N40b debt of a bank without documentation and authority.
3] He invested $Billions in Malaysia Islamic Bank with no return on Investment to Nigeria.
4] He awarded 63 contracts valued over N1b each, without approval
5] He spent N1.257b for Lunch for his Police and Private Guards in a year.
6] He donated N1billion to a political party to build offices Nationwide.
7] He spent N4.5b to renovates his personal home without approval.
8] He spent N4billion on a CBN PH branch building that was already completed.
9] He wrote N2b Bogus checks to Airlines (some not registered in Nigeria) to distribute currency.
10) Claimed paying Nigerian Security Printing & Minting in 2011 N38.233b for the “printing of bank notes”. Company’s turnover in 2011 is only group is N29.370b from all customers including CBN.
11) Associated Airline was paid N1.025b in 2011, while the company was Dormant in the same year. (No Operation).

Operated Bogus Expense Heads To Hide Fraudulent Activities

… CBN Has Held An Account With A Balance Of N1.423 Billion For An Unknown Customer Since 2008.

Following Thursday’s suspension of Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as Governor of the Central Bank by President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, THEWILL has exclusively obtained a copy of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria report that ripped apart the 2012 audited financial statement of the apex bank and exposed the fraud, excesses and wastefulness of Sanusi and the CBN.
Sanusi had over the years projected an image of an anti-graft banker, activist, reformer and crusader against graft and waste in government, as well as the financial sector. Weeks before his ouster as CBN Governor, Mr. Sanusi had accused the NNPC of failing to remit billions of dollars in oil revenue to the federation account, a claim which the NNPC has continued to dispute.

The 13-page Council report emanated following Sanusi’s response to a query issued him in early 2013 by President Goodluck Jonathan over the apex bank’s alarming reckless donations nationwide and its finances.

Whilst describing Sanusi’s response to the President’s query as “a clear display of incompetence, nonchalance, fraud, wastefulness, abuse of due process and deliberate efforts to misrepresent facts…”, the Council accused the suspended banker of several violations including but not limited to carrying out activities with financial implications that are not related to the CBN’s mandate, especially billions of naira in ambiguous payments to invoices referred to as “Centre of Excellence” and “Contribution to Internal National Security”, and the CBN’s claim that it paid N38.233 billion to the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Company Plc in 2011 for the “printing of bank notes” whereas the turnover of the entire printing and minting company group is N29.370 billion.

The Council also accused Sanusi of rogue payments as air charter fees to Emirates Airways (N0.511b), Associated Airline (N1.025b) and Wing Airline (N0.425b), for the distribution of currency nationwide whereas Emirates does not operate local charter flights within Nigeria, Wing Air is unregistered in Nigeria with the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), and Associated Airlines did not have a billion naira turnover in 2011 and have no financial statements because the company said it had not had any significant operation in two years to warrant preparing a financial statement.

In lieu of the serious misconduct it found against Sanusi and the leadership of the CBN, the Council urged the President to exercise the powers conferred on him by “Section 11 (2) (f) of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act, 2007 or invoke Section 11 (2) (c) of the said Act and cause the Governor and the Deputy Governors to cease from holding office in the CBN and also direct the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria to carry out a full investigation of the activities of the CBN…”

A capable party chairman among party chairmen

He is a quantity surveyor by prefession,a business man and politician.A former governor of Bauchi State between 1999 and 2007.Tested and trusted in the areas of human management and administration.Currently he occupies the exaulted position of the National Chairman of Africa's largest political party.His name is Alhaji Adamu Mu'azu,the National Chairman of the People's Democratic Party.
He became the National Chairman of the PDP during a period when the party needed some rebuilding,repositioning and restrategising.Eminent Nigerians presented themselves for the top job,but as fate had destined it,he emerged as the most popular choice.During his inauguration,he gave an insight into the role he was going to play as party chairman.He said''As i take over as chairman of our great party.I want to assure you of my determined efforts and total commitment to restoring the lost glory of the PDP with your total support.I have helplessly watched the dwindling fortunes of our party from 2003 to date.From controlling a record 28 States in 1999 down to 23 States currently.This situation is unacceptable and MUST CHANGE.The good people of Nigeria still love the PDP as long as we meet their expectations and aspirations.Nigeria is PDP and PDP is Nigeria''

Upon assumption of office,the new Chairman embarked on consultations and called on aggrieved party members to retrace their steps.During a meeting with Sule Lamido,governor of Jigawa State,he said''I have come to look at all the problems that made our party reduce in size and number,whatever injustice that have been done,we shall be couragous enough to address them.We are putting in place a very high level committee for reconciliation because we have to reconcile ourselves.We want you to accompany us to all the people that have been offended so we can say sorry.Not even a fool will leave a home as beautiful as the PDP,nobody can leave this house,a house he built.We appeal to all our brothers who left the party to come back.Our doors are open.We want you to talk to them on our behalf ahead of our visit''.

If anyone thought Adamu Mu'azu was merely boasting when he made this declarations,then the reality on ground is a testimony against such individual.His moves,strategies and efficiency are already yielding results.The number of defections by APC chieftains and eminent Nigerians into the PDP family confirms the fact that he is working.Among those who have joined the PDP are;Ibrahim Shekarau,Attahiru Bafarawa,Achike Udenwa,all former governors.Others are Senator Ifeanyi Araraume,Senator Gbemi Saraki,Mike Ahamba(SAN),Dele Belgore and Mr Makus Gundiri.5 members of the House of Representatives also recently decamped from the APC to the PDP,giving the party a clear majority in the House at a period when the opposition almost took over leadership of the House.
Within this short period of Mu'azu's leadership,peace,unity and stability is returning to the party as its fortunes continue to change for the better.With this type of leadership,the PDP's chances in 2015 remains bright.Long live PDP,long live Nigeria.

President holds Media Chat today

According to a statement by Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity,Dr.Reuben Abati,the Presidential Media Chat will hold today by 7pm.It will be broadcasted live on NTA,FRCN and VON.
During the programme,  Jonathan will respond to questions from a panel of journalists and media executives on current national issues and developments.
“All other radio and television stations in the country are urged to hook up to NTA and FRCN to relay the programme to their listeners and viewers,” the statement said.

Sunday 23 February 2014

PDP backs Jonathan on Sanusi,condems attempt to politicize suspension.

The PDP has added its voice in support of President Goodluck Jonathan's decision to suspend Sanusi Lamido as CBN governor. A statement by the PDP read“After thorough analysis of the issues surrounding the suspension, it was clear that the decision was in tandem with the commitment of the Federal Government to safeguard the CBN''.
According to the statement,the findings of the Financial Reporting Council exposed numerous cases  of administrative recklessness in the CBN and such could not be swept under the carpet.

It also said that the suspension had restored confidence in the financial sector and in government ability to check abuses harmful to the system and would not in any way affect the economy negatively..

The party urged Nigerians to ignore those attempting to play politics with the suspension.

We are a party that believes in justice-President Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan on saturday attended a PDP rally held in Owerri.Some members of the opposition political parties including former governor of Imo State Chief Achike Udenwa were welcomed back to the party.In his speech during the rally,the President called on defectors who intended to join the PDP to do so immidiately and enjoy the same rights as old members of the party or be ready to take back seats when ever they joined in the future.He said''The message today is very clear and i believe some of my good friends are not here.They know where they are,we have opened the door for a few days.You join us this few days,the position you occupy is the same position any other person will occupy.No discrimination''.Moving further he said''but if you don't come and come later,you will queue behind your word assistant chairman.
''So the time to join us is now so there will be nothing like discrimination in anything.The party is open for everybody.Equal rights and justice is guaranteed.We are a party that believes in justice and so we must also believe in equal rights.
''for us,Imo State PDP has come together,everybody has equal rights,there is no discrimination.We call on all of you who are still watching that this is the best time to join us so that you can use the platform of PDP to express any interest you have.If you don't come back now,if you come later,then you queue behind.There is no discrimination''.
President Jonathan who was very happy during the rally commended the number of people who attended the rally and also made other remarks.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Reasons for Sanusi's suspension-Presidency.

Several reactions have trailed the suspension of the CBN governor Mallam Sanusi Lamido,some negative,others positive depending on your point of view.
The Presidency has said that  the suspension of Sanusi was to ensure that prudence,integrity and accountability were the symbols of the CBN.

It equally disclosed that there had been issue regarding the financial recklessness and also violation of due process by Sanusi.

Also Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN), listed infractions of the CBN governor.
Briefing State House correspondents, Special Adviser to the president on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati said since that announcement of Sanusi's suspension  there had been many inquiries ‎particularly with regards to the point of financial recklessness and breaches, as well as  the anxiety generated  both local and foreign media.

From Thisday

FG remains resolute in managing economy-Okonjo-Iweala

The Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has given the assurance that the Federal Government remains resolute in the management of the nation’s economy despite the suspension of the CBN governor Sanusi Lamido by  President Goodluck Jonathan..

THISDAY reports that Okonjo-Iweala assured that the pursuit of macro-economic stability, which has become the hallmark of the incumbent administration would continue, even as she expressed optimism that the tight monetary policy which the nation’s apex bank has  been driving would be sustained.

President appoints new PPRA Executive Secretary

President Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday approved the appointment of Mr. Farouk  Ahmed as Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency.
The new Executive Secretary will take over from Mr. Reginald Stanley.
The incoming Executive Secretary, who hails from Sokoto State, is the current Managing Director of Nidas Marine Limited, a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.

Culled from Punch.

US confident that Nigeria will win war against insurgency.

As Nigerian forces continue to wage war against insurgency and insecurity,the United States of America is optimistic that Nigeria will win the battle before next year general elections.

The US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made this remark after the US-Nigeria Bi-national Commission in Abuja.She said''I think the Nigerian government will defeat Boko Haram.We are giving government tremendeous amount of support and advice.It is our hope for the people of Nigeria that Boko Haram is defeated.She said the killings in the region whose number is now in the thousands'' cannot continue'',saying ''government has a responsibility to provide security for those people and we are working with the government to assist them in doing that.

''....this is something that requires  multi-faceted approach,it is not just a security issue,it requires getting into the communities,knowing the communities,and it requires addressing some of the communities' needs''.

Culled from Daily Trust.

Saminu Turaki ready to return to PDP.

The PDP is definitely waxing stronger especially with the number of defections to its fold.

Daily Trust has reported that former governor of Jigawa State,Senator Saminu Turaki is ready to join the PDP.Jigawa State PDP chairman confirmed this report when he spoke with journalist''We are hearing rumours that Turaki is making consultations with his supporters before decamping to the PDP.PDP is big enough for everyone to join.We don't have any problem with that.He was with PDP and later joined ACN so if he decides to come now,we don't have any problem''.


APC chieftains in Imo set to defect to PDP.

The unpopularity of the APC is about to be exposed again,this time in the South-East.A good number of Party chieftains in Imo State have concluded plans to dump the APC for the PDP.

Those leading this mass exodus are;Chief Achike Udenwa,former governor of the state,Chief Mike Ahamba(SAN),Senator Ifeanyi Araraume,Chief Chukwudi Eze,Chief Uju Madu,Dr. Nnamdi Olebara and Noel Chukwukadibia,a former Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly.

On their planed defection,hear Dr Nnamdi Olebara''I have noticed lots of impunity and monumental fraud in the former party.Our collective dream in forging the merger had been systematically bastardised by a few individuals in APC''.''It is sacrilegious for an orator to bear a dumb child'',he said.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

PDP condems APC for hiring international media consultants.

The Peoples Democratic Party has expressed its disappointment over the APC engagement of a foreign media company,AKPD Message and Media ahead of the 2015 elections.
According to PUNCH,the ruling party called on Nigerians to resist this, which it said was an attempt by the opposition party to throw the nation back to imperialism, 54 years after independence.
The APC had claimed in a statement by its Acting National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, that the appointment of the consultant, who had worked for the election of US President Barak Obama was aimed at bossing the electoral chances of the party.
But a statement by the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Chief Olisa Metuh, said this was not only a clear justification of its stand that the APC was anti-Nigeria and that the action was  another insult on the hard working citizens of our dear country.
Metuh said, “In engaging the services of a foreign firm, the APC has shown that it does not have faith in our people, our indigenous consultancy firms and the teeming well qualified, world acclaimed Nigerian professionals and technocrats.
“Just as the leopard cannot change its spots so also is the APC unable to hide its true colour  as an anti-people organisation, tied to the apron string of foreign interests in utter disdain for fellow Nigerians and the age long clamour for local content.”
He alleged that the APC has an inner contempt for Nigerians, adding that its latest action was not only an affront to nationalism but a weird embrace of neo-colonialism at a time national pride and assertiveness  have assumed a rule of engagement in global politics.
He said, “We are afraid that neo-colonialism is the guiding ethos of the APC’s quest to rule Nigeria. It is now apparent that the leadership of this opposition party may have perfected plans to use same foreign interests to siphon national resources and reverse the pro-national socio-economic foundation laid by the founding fathers of Nigeria.”
According to Metuh , there was no way the APC could justify its action, which he termed as a crime against the Nigerian people.
He said, “Nigerians are discerning enough to see the clever attempt to cover this monumental insult by dropping the name of President  Obama, who was duly re-elected by the popular votes of the people of the United States as a beneficiary of  this consultancy service.
This ulterior motive of the APC explains the reason it has mindlessly been  opposing and attacking  all the people oriented projects and policies of the PDP-led Federal Government which have enthroned an unprecedented empowerment of indigenous firms, an economic agenda strongly embedded  in the manifesto of our great party, seeking the transfer wealth from public institutions to the private sector.”

President Jonathan appoints new Chief of Staff.

For a while now,the South -West have been complaining of marginalisation by the Federal government.President Jonathan bearing this in mind has appointed  a new Chief of Staff from the region.
According to PUNCH,Brig-Gen. Jones Oladehinde Arogbofa is the new Chief of Staff to President Goodluck Jonathan,he replaces Chief Mike Oghiadomhe who resigned a week ago.
The new Chief of Staff is an indegine of Ondo State.He was born on 10th November,1952.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Why the Jonathan Persecution?

Last week I came across an article written by one Chukwudi  Enekwechi, an Abuja based journalist and politician which was published by Vanguard. I found it really interesting, hence my decision to reproduce same here .Enjoy

                                              Why the Jonathan persecution?

THROUGHOUT history, we have recorded accounts of the persecution of reformers, transformers, prophets and Saints .Back home in Nigeria, we have had our fair share of leadership interlopers, who came in the garb of military rulers lamenting the state of the nation’s affairs, and promising us Eldorado, but only to dash our hopes. In contrast, they became worse than the leaders they condemned.
If we recall, late General Murtala Mohammed overthrew General Yakubu Gowon on allegations bothering on incompetence and lack of vision. Murtala himself was killed in a butcher military coup based on reasons best known to the coupists, one of which was high handedness. Eventually, we transmitted to a democratic order under Alhaji Shehu Shagari, but this was again short-lived as the military under the headship of General Mohamadu Buhari overthrew the democratically elected government on allegations of incompetence, corruption, nepotism and ineptitude.
Now ,for the analytical mind ,the issues to consider are-on what parameters is the Jonathan administration being evaluated and what are the basis for the conclusions already arrived at by the opposition? Fundamentally speaking, can we say that this administration has performed abysmally low or optimally high? To answer these posers, it is worth stating that this is the first administration to tackle most of the country’s developmental challenges frontally. For precision, let me enumerate some of the landmark achievements.
The Jonathan’s administration is the first to remodel Nigeria’s 22 airports and started new ones, all within the first two years of his administration. The new generation of Nigerians born in the late 70s and 80s did not know what rail transportation is until this administration came into being. Today, passenger trains are traversing the length and breadth of the country with more rail lines being rehabilitated.
Power which has remained a recurring decimal in terms of outages has been fixed significantly, with the Power Holding Company and its subsidiaries unbundled and privatized for greater efficiency.
Under the Jonathan administration, women empowerment which has hitherto been relegated to the background has suddenly received practical attention. For the first time in our history, there are more women in the Federal Cabinet .This unprecedented and remarkable move demonstrates that the present administration is sensitive to the yearnings of Nigerian women and its citizens.
A President that spends time with the disabled, artistes, students, sportsmen and women can only be described as a man of the people .One therefore begins to wonder why a few politicians are bent on castigating his every move. In the area of concrete achievements, it is easy to point at numerous projects that have sprung up in the life of this administration. From the North to the East, South to West, one can point at projects under construction with some nearing completion and others already completed, yet the opposition is still using the word inept on the performance of Mr. President.
Talk of the Power projects, road projects  ,almajiri schools in the Northern part of the country; setting up of additional six federal universities, airports remodeling, railways rehabilitation, accelerated development of FCT and many other areas that the Jonathan administration is impacting on our lives.
If all the above projects and others too numerous to mention are not achievements, maybe we need new benchmarks for evaluating performance and a new definition for achievements. In all sincerity, there is no basis for the opposition to engage in outright lies and deception concerning Mr. President’s achievements, by denying Nigerians facts and figures of the government’s report card. If they are in doubt, they can resort to the administration’s midterm report, where the concrete achievements are listed in black and white .So, why demonize an achiever, and as many Nigerians have described him, the best President Nigeria has ever produced.
Under this same administration ,Nigeria has emerged as African Football champions in senior and junior categories, and now aiming to conquer the world at the 2014 world cup finals in Brazil. This is unprecedented and monumental achievements for a sports loving country like Nigeria.
How else do you judge a leader who has tackled most intractable and decade long abandoned projects, which under previous administrations have defied solution? For example, the second Niger Bridge, East-West road, Abuja-Lokoja road, Kano-Maiduguri road; the railways, Ajaokuta Steel Company, Power and many others have received sustainable solutions, yet some cynics still vilifying Mr. President.
Some cynics have also opined that the majority is in a period of crisis on account of the Boko Haram insurgency in the North Eastern part of the country, but I beg to disagree based on the fact that no society ever has total peace and tranquility. Besides, even as the insurgency is senseless and bereft of any justification, the Jonathan administration has contained it to a large extent. The skirmishes we are currently witnessing are not enough to classify Nigeria as being under siege.
Furthermore, the same proponents of regime change are better positioned to initiate a lasting peace in the troubled areas as statesmen they claim to be. If they shirk this responsibility on the excuse that it is government’s duty, then their patriotism will be called into question.  The responsibility of building a nation cannot be left only to those in positions of authority; rather, all men of goodwill should explore avenues to guarantee peace in the country.
We may recall that former American Presidents periodically embark on shuttle diplomacy on behalf of their governments, even in foreign lands to secure release of captives, prisoners or negotiate peace with other countries or parties in the interest of America .This is patriotism at work, and not to pull down a performing government in the media.
If the opposition continues the blame game, what panacea do they have to put the security situation in check assuming they are in power? Or should we allow the orgy of violence to continue until they take over, and possibly use a magic wand to solve the security challenges confronting Nigeria?

It is surprising that after several years of mounting opposition to the PDP administration, the merged party is yet to offer an alternative or acceptable program of action that will address our myriad of problems as a nation. Rather than the opposition’s descent into politics of name calling and denigration of respected institutions and authorities, it will serve us better if they dwell on politics of issues and healthy debate that addresses the contemporary and long term economic and social needs of Nigerians.