
Monday 5 May 2014

Terror Cannot Stop Our Growth-Jonathan And Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya is in Nigeria for a working visit and during a meeting with President Jonathan at the Villa on Monday,both Presidents reiterated that terrorism will not stop the growth of the African continent.President Jonathan said the acts of terror were designed to put fear in the minds of Nigerians.

"The act of terror in Africa is diversionary, being organised by group of people that don't want the continent to move forward.
"Whenever a country i‎s showing any sign of progress, these criminal elements will strike. Yes, they're setting us backward, they're slowing us down, they're killing innocent citizens, they're destroying properties. But surely, we'll overcome and terror will not stop Africa from progressing", Jonathan said.
On his part,President Kenyatta said"We have suffered at the hands of cowardly terrorists, people who have no value for life, who continue to wreck wanton havoc on lives and properties in our two countries. Yesterday ‎(Sunday), we in Kenya lost a number of people and many others injured in the cowardly attack that took place in Nairob. Indeed, these attacks are aimed at cowing the people of our countries and this continent, to derail them from the new agenda that we've set for ourselves.
"My presence here is an indication that these people will not derail us. We'll continue, we shall fight the fight, and we'll win the fight. and in the process, we'll continue with our agenda of transforming our continent's economy. This we must not lose focus on.
"Mine is to ask the people that we must join hands together, ‎government alone cannot defeat these cowards who attack people in buses by the road side. We must ask our people to join hands with us to fight this battle", Kenyatta said.

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