
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Boko Haram:Senate President Calls For Urgent Military Action

President of the Nigerian Senate,David Mark has declared that an urgent military action has to be taken in order to put an end to the menace of terrorism in the country.He made this declation in a speech on teusday at the resumption of plenary.
“The enemy has clearly and unequivocally served the nation notice of its vile intentions,”  “Therefore, a clear, unambiguous and decisive military response from the Government, beyond the imposition of a state of emergency, is urgently required in this circumstance.”
“This is an option we must consider now!” he insisted.
“The Government must do all it can to immediately identify the sponsors and the source of funds to the terrorists and the insurgents. In this connection, nobody who is implicated, no matter how highly placed, should be treated as a sacred cow,” the senate president said.

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