
Friday 11 April 2014

Federal Government Inaugurates Committee on Grazing Reserves

In order to guide against future cases of clashes between herdsmen and farmers across the country,the federal government on friday inaugurated a committee on grazing reserves in Nigeria.The committee has been tasked with the duty of working out modalities for the establishment of more grazing reserves in the country.The committee is expected to produce its report within two weeks from today.
The Minister of Agriculture who inaugurated the committee said representatives were taken from the Federal Ministries of Environment,Works,Science and Technology,Interior and Water Resources
Other representatives include officials from the National Orientation Agency, International Institute of Livestock Agency and commissioners of agriculture from the affected states, amongst others.
During the inauguration,the Minister said"Another challenge we face with respect to our grazing reserves is the issue of climate change. Herdsmen, as a result of climatic changes, are forced to move down south with their cattle".
"And in addressing these challenges, there are short, medium and long term solutions. This committee will look at all of them and given the urgency of the matter, the committee does not have more than two weeks to come out with its report,"the Minister said.
This is a commendable move which clearly shows that this government is committed to the walfare of the common man.

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